Frequently asked questions.
Are you accepting a graduate student for Fall 2023?
Thank you for your interest! At this time Dr. Jones has not yet determined for 2023-2024. Updates will be provided here.
Are there any positions for undergraduate research assistants?
Yes! The AYA research team accepts applications for undergraduate research assistants throughout the year and there are multiple avenues to participate.
If interested in receiving course credit via PSYC 494 please email Dr. Jones directly at scjones4@vcu.edu.
For federal work-study please visit VCU Handshake where you will find any available work-study positions for AYA.
If interested in working on a volunteer basis please send a copy of your resume or CV to ayaresearch@vcu.edu.
Do you all conduct therapy?
Yes! Many of our AYA trainees conduct therapy locally in the Richmond Area through the Center for Psychological Services and Development (CPSD). Information can be found here.
How do I collaborate with AYA?
Great question! You can reach out to us at ayaresearch@vcu.edu or by filling out the contact form below.